California Rare Fruit Growers, San Diego Chapter |
Membership to the San Diego County chapter of CRFG requires a $12 annual due for regular membership, or $20 family membership for 4 named individuals, plus membership in the parent organization. Membership includes priority access to scion exchanges, plant sales, grafting classes, and other events as well as discounts.
Annual dues will be collected on January 1st of the year.
Chapter dues cover the cost of necessary software, rent at the Bancroft Center for Propagation, and the Chapter cost share of liability insurance from the parent CRFG.
Membership must be active and paid to access member’s only events. If a member has a lapse of more than three months of paying dues, the member can be removed from the membership database and will no longer receive the electronic newsletter. To reinstate membership, the full year’s membership must be paid. A member in arrears will receive the newsletter for a grace period of three months.
Members of the San Diego Chapter must also join our parent organization CRFG, Inc.